خلفية العنوان

 Support and Calibration Quality

Management of Support and Calibration Quality serves as the primary link between the center and its clients, ensuring the safety and smoothness of all operations and effective communication before, during, and after the provision of required services.

The tasks of the Support and Calibration Quality Management include interacting with the center's clients, promptly responding to their needs, guiding them professionally, as well as managing technical and financial proposals and coordinating their execution according to agreed-upon schedules.

We strive to enhance the quality of the services we provide by maintaining continuous communication with our clients, receiving any complaints or suggestions, and addressing them promptly with the involvement of the Quality Management. All these efforts fall within the context of continuous improvement to ensure service quality and compliance with international standards (ISO/IEC 17025).

Additionally, we organize technical proficiency testing programs in collaboration with the technical management to ensure the quality of performance of calibration laboratories in the kingdom. We have initiated these programs for specific fields as a first step towards enhancing the infrastructure of metrology in the kingdom.​​

The tasks of the Support and Calibration Quality Management include:

  • Improving Support and Calibration Quality: Regarding the management of support and calibration quality, we commit to providing exceptional services to our clients. Here's an overview of our tasks:
  • Customer Meetings and Service Provision: We meet with our clients to understand their needs and provide support that meets their expectations. Whether there are specific calibration requests or technical inquiries, we handle them efficiently and professionally.
  • Management of Calibration Requests: We handle calibration requests according to our specified models, monitoring every step of the process within the laboratory and ensuring service delivery within the specified time, with notifying clients of developments to ensure their complete satisfaction.
  • Invoicing and Approval: We provide accurate invoices reflecting calibration costs, with a specified expected duration for the process. We ensure client approval before commencing work to ensure complete transparency and trust.
  • Receipt and Delivery of Devices: We receive devices for calibration and assist clients in completing necessary procedures, storing them carefully before and after calibration, ensuring delivery upon completion with necessary calibration certificates.
  • Customer Complaints Follow-Up: We pay close attention to customer complaints and feedback, taking necessary actions to rectify any potential measurement and calibration errors, with a continuous focus on improving performance.

We are committed to ensuring the ​provision of high-quality services that meet our clients' expectations and align with the highest industry standards.

Last modified 15 May 2024
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