Board of Directors

General Secretariat
of the Board
of Directors

The Governor

Executive Committee

Internal Audit

Internal audit

The Rewards
and Nominations

The permanent
executive committee
of supervision on
the activity of periodic
technical inspection
of vehicles

The Governor Office

Communication and Marketing

Engineering Projects

International cooperation

Vehicles Safety Center

Heavy Equipment
Regulatory Center

Legal Calibration Program

Assistant Governor of Planning and Strategy

Strategy Management Office

Institutional Excellence and Governance

Budget Planning

Vice Governor of Digital Transformation and Data

Digital Transformation Office

Information Technology

Cyber Security

Data Management Office

Vice Governor of Standards and Calibration


National Measurement and Calibration Center

Technical Regulations

Monitoring and Alarm Center for Unsafe Products

Vice Governor of Businesses Support

Consultations and Enterprises Support

Research and Studies Center

The Executive Office for National Quality Strategy


Businesses Development

Vice Governor of Conformity and Operations


Product Safety

Certificates Granting

Eastern Region Branch

Makkah Branch

Vice Governor of Shared Services

Human Resources

Competencies and Talents Development

Standards Academy

Financial Affairs

Tenders and Contracts

Assets and Administrative Services

Assistant Governor of Legal Affairs and Regulatory Policies

Legal Affairs

Regulations and Legal Consultations