خلفية العنوان


Registration of a product conformity certificate

Service evaluation 3.5 / 5 Number of ratings: 64
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Service description

A service that proves that the product conforms to the technical regulations, through a certificate that is issued electronically to the local factory or the importer, after ensuring that the product meets the technical requirements.

Target audiance

  • Manufacturer
  • Supplier

Service cost

Estimation time

8 Working Days

Service requirments

  • Data of the facility's commercial registry.
  • National ID number or residency number associated with the registry.
  • Contact information.
  • Establishment seal.
  • Signature of the facility owner.
  • Data of the certificate number and the date of issuance / expiry (for certificates issued by the authority).
  • Contents of the technical file according to the technical regulation and product type.​

Service steps

  1.  Choose (Start Service) to get to the Consignment Certificate service for commercial products.
  2. Log in to the Saber platform.
  3. Choose the type of product (commercial products).
  4. Choose to request a certificate of conformity for a new product, select the product and add model numbers.
  5. Choosing the conformity assessment body and submitting the application.
  6. Approval of the application by the conformity assessment body.
  7. Complete the payment procedures.
  8. Study the application and decide by the conformity assessment body.

User guide


If your request was not processed on time, please contact us

Last modified 16 Sep 2023
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Rating count: 248