خلفية العنوان

 Products Tracking

Sabir Electronic Platform:
The Sabir Electronic Platform is a part of the digital systems under the Product Safety Initiative. It enables beneficiaries, including commercial establishments, government entities, and individuals, to register their establishments and consumer products, whether imported or locally manufactured, to obtain the required certifications.

Services of Sabir Electronic Platform:
•​ Product Registration:
This feature allows users to add their products to the platform and save them permanently. This process facilitates the selection of products when applying for and registering a Certificate of Conformity, enhancing the efficiency and speed of procedures.
•​ Product Conformity Certificate Registration:
Through this service, establishments can apply for Conformity Certificates for products subject to technical regulations, whether imported or locally manufactured. The platform allows the selection of an appropriate Conformity Assessment Body to register the certificate, ensuring that products comply with the required standards.
•​ Shipment Certificate:
A Shipment Certificate is issued to clear the product from the country of shipment and is required for each incoming shipment. The certificate includes invoice details, the number of products, and their quantities, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the provided data.
•​ Self-Declaration:
The Self-Declaration service is a commitment from the establishment that the product is not subject to technical regulations and complies with the standard specifications and applicable legislation, without third-party intervention. This procedure enhances trust and credibility in the traded products.
•​ Vehicle Import Shipment Certificate:
This service facilitates the import procedures of used vehicles for individuals who wish to import used vehicles from outside Saudi Arabia, whether cars or motorcycles. It enables them to obtain a Vehicle Import Shipment Certificate issued by one of the inspection bodies accepted by the Saudi Standards.

Benefits and Impact:
The Sabir Electronic Platform offers numerous benefits that enhance product safety in the Saudi market, including:​
  • Facilitation of Procedures: The platform simplifies the process of entering products into the Saudi market by registering products and obtaining the required certificates. It also speeds up clearance processes through integration with relevant entities.
  • Ensuring Compliance:The platform helps limit the entry of non-compliant products, protecting consumers from health and environmental risks.
  • Enhancing Transparency:The platform enables regulatory bodies to easily monitor and track registered products, enhancing market transparency and adherence to standards.
  • Supporting Traders and Manufacturers:By providing dedicated services for product and certificate registration, the platform enhances the ability of traders and manufacturers to easily comply with regulatory requirements.

The Sabir Electronic Platform represents a significant step towards achieving the Kingdom’s vision of ensuring product safety and quality. It enhances confidence in the Saudi market, ensuring consumer and environmental protection.​

Last modified 30 Jun 2024
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